Thursday, May 28, 2009

NBC News Package

This week I looked a package that I would normally have skipped. However for some reason I decided to watch this package. The package was a news story about appropriate weight gain for pregnant women. The reporter Tracie Potts put together a solid package, however there were some flaws according to what we have learned in broadcast 2.

One positive aspect of this package was the use of visuals and graphics in a story where the B roll opportunities not obvious. Potts, or her editor, made an excellent decision to run the shot of the women stepping onto the scale at the beginning of the package. It encompassed the main point of the package with a strong shot that foreshadowed the rest of the story and provided a chance for nat sound in a story that I’m sure gave Potts a challenge in finding nat sound. The story also gave the audience great information and does a good job telling how it affects the world. This package also did a great job using graphics to cover up the lack of B roll and illustrate a point.
The primary flaw in Potts’ piece was the lack of a central compelling character. Potts interviewed many women about this issue. However, the package only featured one quote from each woman. The package also had too much expert opinion and not enough information from characters the audience can relate to. Also according to class lectures, the stand up at the close of the package is becoming passé.
Overall I was surprisingly captivated by this package. There were some things that could have been improved but every shot tells a different part of the story. The story was also extremely informative, which was its original intention. I give this story a B.

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