Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blue Note Reporting

My first VO patrol shift taught me a lot of things about how to report for a professional newscast. At the end of the night it turned out to be a nerve racking, pressure filled, and fun experience. I was almost so concerned with what may not have worked, I did not fully enjoy and revel in the fact that something I put together was being broadcasted.

Thankfully, I arrived an hour early to KOMU. This turned out to be extremely fortunate because even with this extra hour, I sill did not get my video transferred until showtime. This taught me that I may even need to be a little earlier to the station to ensure that I do not take too long putting my VO together.

I received a pleasant surprise when I arrived at KOMU. When I pitched my story, Holly and the producer, Mallory, approved the first story I pitched. This story focused on how concert venues like the Blue Note bring in big stars. In the convergence reporting class, I took last semester, it felt as though all my ideas were rejected and I went into this meeting assuming rejection.

One challenge in this report was getting good b roll. Unfortunately the concert did not start until 8 and I was unable to get crowd shots or the band playing. Despite this seemingly small amount of footage, I ended up with more footage than I needed. The lesson I learned from this is that I don’t need to shoot that much footage for a VO patrol.

The biggest setback I have suffered from not taking B1 is my lack of knowledge about iNews. My goal for the rest of the summer is to become much more proficient with iNews. In the end I feel pretty solid about this package after reviewing it online. I look forward to improving upon this shift tomorrow.

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