Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I hate Wednesdays

Without a doubt Wednesday is the worst day of the week. Even on Mondays we can reflect on the weekend that had just been completed. Wednesday is the furthest we can be from a weekend.

Historically it feels like I have had bad luck on Wednesdays. This bad luck has recently become more prominant as I have struggled on consecutive Wednesdays at KOMU, while I performed well on Tuesday.

Tonight's shift was rough. I broke a camera, shot an unusable interview, and did not understand what the lighting features on the camera do.

I am not a camera person. Words like shutter and Iris sound like Japanese to me. On the bright side Stacey explained them to me in terms I can understand and I now understand the lighting elements of the camera.

The lessons I learned from this shift include the lighting features of the camera. I also learned never force stuff because then you do more harm then good. On a positive note I also learned how to script and edit faster so I can report longer.

I am bummed out as I reflect upon my VO patrol shift today. I feel like I destroyed all the momentum I had built up with a solid shift yesterday. It was another one of those shifts, where absolutely nothing goes right.

It’s nights like these that I wish there was a 24 hour ice cream shop somewhere in town because I need a pick me up right now.

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