Thursday, October 7, 2010

NASCAR Is Not a Sport

NASCAR's popularity has always bewildered me. According to USA Today, ESPN's broadcasts of NASCAR races have declined in popularity this year, but still attract a larger audience then the wonderful sport of Hockey. My problem with NASCAR is that it is not a sport.

When watching the season premiere of South Park last night, I laughed because it made fun of NASCAR fans as poor and stupid. While I am not as brazen to lump all NASCAR fans into these two categories, I am unable to understand the excitement of watching cars drive in circles for 4 hours.

NASCAR is dreadfully dull. It is a marathon of left turns that only requires a person of two feet and two hands to operate the car. If I wanted to watch cars drive fast, I could set up a lawn chair on the median of 1-70. There would be new cars each time and an equal number of crashes.

The sport itself requires no athletic ability. It does require the ability to withstand a hot car for hours and turn left at high speed. However, I contend that anybody who has driven a multiple state road trip during the summer in a car with no air conditioning is qualified to be a NASCAR driver. The most athletic guys in the alleged sport are the pit crews, who perform maintenance on these cars in seconds, and really decide who wins and who loses.

While people complain about poker not being a sport, it takes a great deal more intellect then the left turn extravaganza, and a t least some knowledge of how to play the game. Anyone who passes a driver's test has the ability to be a NASCAR driver, while navigating the turns may take some practice, any person could gain the ability to excel in the sport provided they had a proper practice facility.

NASCAR requires little skill and athleticism. It is nothing more than left turns for 4 hours and anyone can do it. It is uninteresting and not a sport.

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